Our Mission



Veterans Healing Initiative (VHI) was established in response to the unprecedented increase of Substance Abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders among Veterans of our Armed Forces and the critical need to provide evidence-based, dual-diagnosis treatment to these men and women, regardless of geographic, economic or military status limitations. 

At VHI, our core mission is to help heal the War Within by:

star.jpgIdentifying licensed treatment centers that provide dual-diagnosis treatment programs for Substance Abuse and PTSD and have a dedicated Veterans’ treatment track

star2.jpgProviding independent financial support to Veterans who seek treatment at these qualified programs

star.jpgUsing clinical criteria and measurement tools to monitor patient outcomes and evaluate treatment effectiveness to develop a best practices, dual-diagnosis Substance Abuse and PTSD treatment model for Veterans that can be replicated nationally

star.jpgMaking a continuum of care a priority for all Veterans

star.jpgWorking collaboratively with federal, state and local agencies to facilitate the growth of and ongoing research into comprehensive dual-diagnosis care for men and women veterans

Over the past several years the VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) have dedicated millions of dollars for assessment and treatment of substance abuse and mental health issues for its veterans and even more to expanding its arsenal of mental health professionals. However given the complexity of the veteran community, the number of veterans who need treatment but do not have access to programs and the geographic constraints to receiving treatment, these agencies increasingly rely on community-based programs and private institutions to provide treatment for these men and women.  See the Programs Veterans Healing Initiative supports and how together we can help our veterans receive the care they need.